With pressure on your feet, you lift your spine gracefully into a bridge pose, feeling your strength. Slowly and deliberately, you lower your spine, one vertebra at a time. Just an inch away from lowering your tailbone, an unexpected queef makes an appearance.
What is queefing?
In simpler terms, queefing is vaginal flatulence. It doesn't have a smell because it's just air that has entered your vaginal canal and is pushed out when pressure shifts. It can occur during sex or exercise. For some individuals, raising the pelvis higher than the chest can trigger it.
Who is more likely to experience queefing?
It's important to understand that queefing isn't harmful, but it might indicate a pelvic floor that is either too tight or too weak. Women who have gone through pregnancy and childbirth, whether vaginally or via C-section, are more prone to queefing. Factors like prolapse, constipation, and different menstrual cycle stages can also influence queefing.
What causes queefing?
In a tight pelvic floor, muscles act like a suction, pulling air in and creating a whistling sound when released. A weak pelvic floor allows more air to flow in and out when intra-abdominal pressure increases due to poor contraction control.
A dysfunctional pelvic floor, whether tight or weak, struggles to relax or contract properly. A healthy pelvic floor should move with the inhale and exhale, allowing trapped air to escape quietly.
How can queefing be minimized?
Before moving into a position that might prompt queefing, focus on inhaling to relax pelvic floor muscles, allowing trapped air to exit smoothly. Exhaling just before movement can help contract the pelvic floor muscles, "closing" the vagina to prevent air from being pulled in. While not foolproof, this exercise helps you sync movement with your breath and be aware of pelvic floor activity.
How does Pilates help?
Pilates aids in connecting to your core, including the pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening and relaxing these muscles is crucial, and Pilates' emphasis on breath work facilitates this connection. It's recommended to balance this with pelvic floor stretches and release exercises, especially if your pelvic floor tends to be tight.
Consider consulting a pelvic floor specialist for additional guidance on addressing pelvic floor issues effectively.
Above all, don't fret too much about a little air escaping your nether regions— it's a common occurrence. In a Pilates class, I navigate through this distraction seamlessly. Remind me to tell you about Ernie, my 91 year old male client, when I see you in class next...
To exercise your pelvic floor, you should:
Close the back passage (as if you are trying to stop yourself from passing wind but try not to clench your buttocks).
Try to squeeze your vaginal muscles up and in – try not to pull your stomach in when you're doing this.
Do a combination of both long and short squeezes.
Stay happy and helthy!