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Loma Botha

Unravelling the Intricacies of Our Body's Life Cycle: A Clear Explanation

Updated: Apr 30

Estrogen is one of two sex hormones commonly associated with people assigned female at birth (AFAB), including cisgender women, transgender men and nonbinary people with vaginas. Along with progesterone, estrogen plays a key role in your reproductive health. Estrogen plays an important role in other body systems, too. For this reason, all genders make this hormone.

Estrogen regulates important processes in your skeletal, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems that impact your overall health. Estrogen affects:

  • Cholesterol levels.

  • Blood sugar levels.

  • Bone and muscle mass.

  • Circulation and blood flow.

  • Collagen production and moisture in your skin.

  • Brain function, including your ability to focus.

Navigating this turbulent stage keeps me on my toes.  My two biggest concerns for the moment -

1.    Your ovaries make the majority of your estrogen in your reproductive years. During menopause and postmenopause, your menstrual cycle stops and your ovaries no longer make estrogen. Instead, fat cells start making the majority of your body's estrogen.  Therefore affecting the amount of body fat. Estrogen regulates glucose and lipid metabolism. If you have low estrogen, it can lead to weight gain.  Being overweight can increase your risk of obesitydiabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.  Research suggests that this can be part of the reason for weight gain through menopause. (However not the only reason)


2.     As estrogen declines during the menopause transition, inflammation in your body can rise. Unchecked, over time this systemic inflammation can damage our arteries, organs, and joints, increasing our risk for chronic disease like heart disease, arthritis, dementia, and other conditions.


I’ve been experimenting with the following – with increased success over time.  Consistency, however, is key!

1.     Do what moves you!  Just move!  Every day, in any form!  Just move! ( more about movement and menopause-weigh in another blog post… )

2.     Reducing inflammation helps us to reclaim our metabolic health, for the long-term. Fixing the inflammation by repairing our gut and digestive system is a really good way to get started. Using the gut as the gateway to decrease inflammation systemically in the body is extremely fast and effective. This is because our gut is the epicentre of our health. 80% to 90% of your immune system lies in your gastrointestinal tract, as does your ability to produce feel-good hormones like serotonin. We absolutely need to support our gut and digestive system in menopause. 

We need to nourish and strengthen our body. Some foods help control inflammation while others turn the dial higher. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, and foods rich in unsaturated fats like avocado, fatty fish, nuts, and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This type of diet is also good for your bones.

Go easy on foods that contribute to inflammation in the body such as ultra-processed refined carbs, sugary beverages, processed meats, and fried foods.

 A Statistics to scare: A recent study  found that consuming an inflammatory diet during pre- and early perimenopause is associated with more bone fractures starting in the menopause transition and continuing into postmenopause.

My top 8 anti-inflammatory foods include (inclusive of a colourful array of fruits in vegetables)




Fermented  foods




Legumes:lentils & chickpeas

If you’re having symptoms associated with low estrogen, there are natural approaches you can take. Keep in mind that research on these solutions’ ability to effectively manage estrogen levels is limited.

I'll be sharing my favourite recipes next week. Including my go-to (every day!!), tumeric shot!


Unravelling the Intricacies of Our Body's Life Cycle: A Clear Explanation

"she who has health has hope, she who has hope has everything!"

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